In 2020 it started as a hobby while I was pregnant with my first child. I have always had a passion for candles and fragrance but when I had terrible morning sickness and every scent that didn't sit well made me nauseous I was constantly burning candles or placing scented plug-ins in virtually every room of my house. When looking for candles I had a hard time finding scents that were clean but fragrant and that didn't smell synthetic. I found that candles with essential oils had a slightly better fragrance with less of that synthetic scent I didn't like. Coming from the fashion industry with a background in product and development I quickly set off on a quest to learn everything I could about candles. I searched for the best soy wax and essential oil suppliers I could find to bring you scents that last. Scent has a strong impact on our mood and our environment. My hope is that my candles bring you joy and fill your home with fragrant peace, love, and tranquility.